Our Community & Culture

Capture_28.pngSt Mary’s Primary School is a Catholic School community that cherishes connection and care. When you become a part of our St Mary’s community you can trust us to deliver quality teaching and learning experiences for your child. But Catholic schools are much more than a place where great education happens - our caring and committed staff will know your child as the unique and unrepeatable person they are. Families are an important part of our community. We know that you as parents are the first and most important educators of your children. We’re grateful that you trust us to be partners in your child’s learning journey. 

Community Connections

St Mary’s Primary school actively supports St Vincent de Paul with the formation of Mini Vinnies. Students in Mini Vinnies identify ways to embrace the principles of St Vincent de Paul Society, as well as organising fundraising events in the school to aid the organisation. The staff and students also explore the activities of Catholic Mission and regularly hold fundraising activities to aid their works. 

Students and staff connect with the parishioners when attending Mass at St Mary’s Church and are involved in community events such as ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day and the Anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan when attending memorial ceremonies. 

The school participates in the Jacaranda Festival, a local community event which occurs in October and November each year, particularly the festival’s March of Youth, Jacaranda Thursday activities and Parade. The City of Grafton Eisteddfod involves the whole school community with students participating in verse speaking and choir events. Many students also participate in individual sections of The Grafton Show which allows students to create and enter individual and group art projects. NAIDOC week celebrations include members of McAuley Catholic College and the local Indigenous community.

Our students participate in local sporting events such as the Daily Examiner Shield for hockey and rugby league. Students and staff regularly connect with the schools of McAuley Catholic College and St Joseph’s Primary, South Grafton. Events include Year 7 orientation activities, student retreat days such as Exuro, Accendere and Incitare, and activities to celebrate Catholic Schools week annually. 

School House Groups

St Mary’s four house groups date back to the mid 1940s and take their name from the following:

  • Goretti - (Red House) named after St Maria Goretti
  • Marian - (Blue House) named after our Mary the Mother of God
  • Patricius - (Green House) named after St Patrick
  • Regina - (Yellow House) named after Our Lady, the Queen of Heaven